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Little League
Little League

Monday evenings - 6:30pm start.

Captains need to ensure completed results sheets go to Janet Harrison.

The Little League is a mixed league for members of the club and is ideal for new bowlers to play with more experienced players.

There are eight players per team and seven teams (so one team has a bye each week as there are only six rinks on the green). The matches will all take place on the Hood green (often referred to as the ladies' green). This is to the left as you enter the grounds.

Two sets of three players from each team will play against the other teams with two reserves each week. Two bowls are used by each player.

There will be no trial ends. A maximum of 1 shot will be scored by the winning rink at each of the first two ends. A game shall consist of 18 ends. The last jack will be set before 8.30pm. If 18 ends have not been completed the result will stand at the completion of the last end. 2 points will be awarded for each winning rink, 1 point for a drawn rink, 2 points for the winning team based on the aggregate points scored over both rinks. For a drawn game 1 point will be awarded to each team.

Matches start at 6:30pm (so please arrive in good time) and will not go on longer than two hours.

The North East Ladies' Bowling League

Tuesday afternoons - 1:30 pm start

Bernie Bell is the Ladies' captain, for more details.

Knight cup

Tuesday evenings- 7pm start (6.30pm early & late in the season)

This a county competition split in to four divisions. 

Bowlers are selected to the squad by the selection committee.

Four teams of three players compete in a league match with two bowls per player. Points are awarded for each rink (team) that wins their match and also for the winning overall aggregate score over all rinks.

Dougie Morrison is the men's captain for more details. 

The Knight Cup
Collins & Shipley
The Collins and Shipley League

Wednesday afternoons - 2pm start

Morpeth ladies play in division 1 of this county competition and are the current league champions. We try and play our strongest players in this competition.

Bernie Bell is the Ladies' captain, for more details.

Clegg Cup
The Clegg Cup

Wednesday evenings- 7pm start (6.30pm early & late in the season)

This a county competition split in to four divisions. Morpeth are in division 1.

Our most experienced bowlers are selected to the squad by the selection committee.

Four teams of three players compete in a league match with two bowls per player. Points are awarded for each rink (team) that wins their match and also for the winning overall aggregate score over all rinks.

Dougie Morrison is the men's captain, for more details. 

Northern Thursday League
Northern Thursday League

Thursday afternoons - 2pm start

Click HERE for Morpeth A team schedule

Team A captain is Jim Oliver 

Click HERE for Morpeth B team schedule

Team B captain is Richard Tweddle

Click HERE for Morpeth C team schedule   

Team C captain is Jim Harrison

Click HERE for Morpeth D team schedule

Team D captain is Paul Tait

Click HERE for Morpeth E team schedule

Team E captain is Dougie Morrison

We have five teams entered into the Northern Leagues.

Morpeth B, D and C teams play in the A league.

Morpeth A and E teams play in the B league.

In each league, two mixed (men or women) teams of three players play home and away against other clubs in their league.

There are two bowls per player. Points are awarded for each rink (team) that wins their match and also for the winning overall aggregate score over both rinks.

Groups of 8 or 9 players rotate to give as many as possible in the squad a regular game. It is a stepping stone for new bowlers to get involved in a more competitive game and anyone interested should approach one of the captains.

Veterans' Friday Friendlies
Veterans' Friday Friendlies

Friday afternoons - 2pm start

Mixed, friendly matches are arranged against other clubs in the local area usually on a home and away basis. You need to have paid a £1 to join the veterans (and be over 55) which covers you for the whole season. John Wilson is the veterans' treasurer.

Scores are kept and a winning team captain takes the honours on the day.  And that's it! There is no league table or promotion/relegation. It's just for fun. And a cup of tea afterwards, of course. For home matches please supply enough food for yourself and one other.

To be considered for selection look for the notices marked 'Veterans Match' in the locker rooms and put your name down. Sometimes matches are oversubscribed so not everyone gets a game every week. The standard of play can be variable as many of the Knight and Clegg cup players don't always enter, so this is a good place for newer bowlers to play.

Richard Tweddell co-ordinates veterans' matches.

Saturday Jumbles
Saturday Jumbles

Most Saturday mornings - 10am start

Most Saturday mornings starting at 10:00 there is what is known as a jumble.

This is a great starting point for getting to meet other players while having a bit of competitive fun.

If you have just taken a few lessons as a beginner then this is the next thing to try once you have demonstrated to the coaches you can play properly. You will be with other players whose scores will count for you, so you don't need to be a brilliant bowler to score. Please do not borrow the bowls from the shed as they may be needed for coaching sessions on Saturdays.

Turn up by 09:45 at the latest (casual clothing), pay the organiser £1 to enter (with a small cash prize to the winner) and draw a domino to put you into a team. Play a few ends - say 6 - with your team and keep your team's total points as your personal score. Then repeat: draw a domino, play with your new team and add the team score to your personal score. Then repeat...After a number of rounds the person with the highest points total wins a small cash prize and everybody has played with lots of different people.

Keep an eye out for notices about mid-week jumbles (which don't involve prizes or entry fees) and are just fun ways of improving, practising and meeting people. Again, you just turn up to play. These will normally be at 2pm on a Tuesday.

There is one Saturday each month when these are not held due to the monthly Saturday cup competition being played. 

Saturday Cup Competitions

Saturday mornings - 10am start

Check your handbook for 2024 Saturday competition dates.

Entry forms will be posted in the locker rooms a couple of weeks before the competition date, so watch for these.

Everybody should have a go and enter just for the sake of playing. Remember, most people aren't going to win - but it may be your lucky day...

Turn up by 09:45 at the very latest so the draw can be confirmed.

£1 to play with a trophy for the winner. If you have entered but then will be unable to make it on the day, please let Richard know as soon as possible as there is a lot of work to organise the draw and the different groups which all depends on the number of competitors. 

There are various formats for the different competitions with some having several rounds interspersed with a lunch break around 12:00, so bring refreshments and drinks for these. Some are short competitions which are finished in less than two hours.

Richard Tweddell is the organiser.


Saturday Competitions
Saturday Northern Bowls League
Saturday Northern Bowls League

2 pm start

Ladies' Sunday competitons
Ladies' Sunday competitions

Occasional Sundays

There are ladies' competitions (organised by Janet Harrison) which take place every now and again on a Sunday, so at least one green will not be available for casual play.

All lady members are encouraged to enter these events even if you don't consider yourself a top-level player. Your playing partner is drawn from the proverbial hat, so you could end up playing with a really good player.

Entry forms will be posted in the locker rooms shortly before each competition date.

See the back of your members' handbook for 'significant dates'.

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